Before he died from cancer, a Minneapolis man wrote his own obituary that reveals his secret identity and a traffic love affair with a pop star.

Cancer sucks. Three years ago I lost one of my favorite teachers to brain cancer. The hardest part was watching how the cancer changed him day by day.  There would be days where he was pleasant and mild mannered and other days where he would go into fits of rage and say things you never thought you'd hear your teacher say.  This went on for about six months until he was unable to teach and shortly after he left school, he was gone.

The pain I felt after he was gone is nothing compared to what those who are close to someone who lost their life to cancer is feeling. What helps ease the pain, I think, is when someone you love has accepted that their life is coming to end and they have the courage and the creativity to go out in style, like Aaron Purmont.

Aaron lost his battle with brain cancer last week and before he passed, he penned his own obituary. Aaron reveals that he was Spiderman, had a love affair with Gwen Stefani and he asks his son to avenge his death.

When I read the actual obituary it brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. You can read it, in full, here.


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