Grab the answer to one you missed. A new on every weekday morning at 6:05. First caller at 85-229-5100 with the correct answer wins.

Monday, March 23

QUESTION: According to research, THIS is the lie kids are most likely to tell.

ANSWER: I brushed my teeth

WINNER: Mario Lopez from Compton, IL

Tuesday, March 24

QUESTION: One third of married couples have shared this in the last 5 years

ANSWER: Underwear

WINNER: Brandy Brown from Foreston, IL

Wednesday, March 25

QUESTION: When women were asked to name one thing that romantic men all had in common, THIS was the most common answer.

ANSWER: They were older men

WINNER: Kristine Gentry from Rockford

Thursday, March 26

QUESTION: Want to feel less physical pain? You should do THIS for 30 minutes a day

ANSWER: Nap/Sleep

WINNER: Ryan Saunders from Belvidere

Friday, March 27

QUESTION: According to a new survey of married women, THIS is the #1 thing they would change about their husband's appearance.

ANSWER: His hairstyle

WINNER: Lori Sheridan fron Dixon, IL

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