Can You Spot All The Ticks On This Poppy Seed Muffin?
If you're a huge fan of poppy seed muffins, I'm just going to warn you- what you're about to see might put you off of them for the rest of your life...BUT, it's important that you see this because it's about to put your summer safety and fun into a whole new perspective.
Take a look at this tweet from the CDC, and try not to get ticked off (their joke, not mine).
I had no idea that ticks could be that small, did you?
Truthfully, I could only spot one, which is semi-terrifying.
Here's a closer look.
It's exciting that the grass is greener and the leaves are returning to the trees, but with the return of spring also comes the return of tick season.
With that said, several news outlets are reporting that that this year's tick season could be the worst in years.
After apologizing for the poppy seed muffin tweet, the CDC shared a link to their website where it suggested some tips on how to prevent tick bites, which you can check out here.