You don't poke a hornet's nest with a stick, you don't dump gasoline a fire and you don't mess with a woman teetering on the edge... for any reason.

Checkout Boy Learns Not to Mock a Menstruating Woman
Evgeny Trofimov, Thinkstock

An Australian woman posted a rant on Facebook directed at the supermarket giant Coles after she claims a male cashier made a joke as she purchased sanitary products.

"Hi Coles. Just wondering whether your male checkout staff receive training on appropriate conversation and facial expressions to display while scanning female sanitary items, such as pads and tampons?" Lauren Jovanović asked in the angry post

Here's what went down. During her last trip to the supermarket, she said, a young man asked her "have you tried Viva paper towels? I've heard they're pretty absorbent" as he scanned and bagged her sanitary pads. Duuude are you kidding me? Bad move, kid.

Lauren said normally she could've handled a stupid joke, but not when she's menstruating and quote,

"a scary, enraged and frustrated being"

who does not want to be advised of "alternative ways to contain or absorb the blood that is mercilessly flowing out of her nether regions." Alrighty then, We'll give you that Lauren.

If your 'particular set of skills' include paper towel roll extraction from the butt of an idiot, please contact Coles grocery.

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