What's the grossest non bathroom related thing you've done in the bathroom.

I'm sure even the most hygienic of us have done something borderline gross, in fact more people than you expect have, according to a new study.

The results of the 2014 Hygiene Matters Survey might gross you out. It might also make you nervous to pee outside your home.

According to the survey, 10% of people only sometimes wash their hands, with 1% saying they NEVER do.

25% of people say they have texted in the bathroom (I will admit, I've done this too, but when you are a waitress for four years, sometimes that's your only option.)

23% of people talk on the phone while in the bathroom. Gross, people, use the mute and leave it on the sink.

8% of people eat in the bathroom, which makes me sad like they have no where else to eat, and 7% of people exercise in the bathroom. At work? That's weird. But I have been known to do squats while brushing my teeth.

5% of people smoke in the bathroom. C'mon people, it's not high school in 1992, people can smell you.

5% of people also sleep in the bathroom at work. I don't even know how to understand that.

Surprised? Grossed out? What do you think of these stats?

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