Unless you want to put up a fight.

A recent study from Britain's Durham University, says guys should steer clear of wearing red shirts, because it's sending the wrong message.

The study says that when a guy wears a red shirt, he is viewed as aggressive by both women and other men.

The participants wore a red, grey or blue shirt and those in the red shirts were assumed to be more aggressive and dominant, which is ok for some situations, but not all. They were also perceived as angry.

I dunno how I feel about. I like guys who wear red shirts, but maybe that's because they look like they're "in charge," and according to one (or more) of my friends, I like people who are in charge.

I also associate red shirts with Christmas, not anger.

Do you think this is really true? And is it true for women too... because then I might want to rethink my wardrobe.

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