Did you enjoy the weekend? Did you enjoy the weekend too much? Turns out, men and women feel the effects of a hangover differently. Go figure.

We've all been there, you're having a great time and you know you are at the point where if you keep "enjoying" yourself, you are going to wake up the next morning with a wicked headache.

According to Blowfish for Hangovers, over 5,000 people surveyed revealed some pretty interesting stuff on the effects of hangovers for men and women.

For example, a guys hangover will last just under 5 hours, while for the ladies, it usually lasts over 6 hours. Sorry girls, you have one more hour of pain, but that red wine was pretty great, am I right?

According to the study, the dudes will also keep their hangovers to themselves.

I don't know if I've ever been hungover before. Know why? Because I've never told anyone. Women on the other hand, will tell their friends about it...or post it on Facebook...or tweet it out.

Also, men are most likely to be hungover after the Super Bowl. Really? The Super Bowl? Women are more likely to be hungover after celebrating a friend's birthday.

Do these hold true? How long are your hangovers?

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