Illinois Castle Hosting Outdoor Murder Mystery Game
A pretty cool experience just arrived in Oregon, Illinois. You get to play the detective in a true-crime game in the shadows of the beautiful Stronghold Castle.
High atop the limestone bluffs along the Rock River in Oregon Illinois, sits Stronghold Castle. The castle was built between 1928 and 1930 by Walter A. Strong, then owner and publisher of the Chicago Daily News. This wasn't even his main residence, this was his summer home. In 1962, the castle and surrounding area were purchased by the Presbyterian Church and today, it serves as a year-round camping and retreat center. Now, the castle is the first stop in a murder mystery game that will take you on a very scenic tour of Oregon, Illinois.
The outdoor murder mystery experience is the creation of Oregon High School junior, Maya Key. An assignment in Maya's Social Entrepreneurship class was to create a profitable business that would also do something positive for their community. Maya used two things she loves to create her business; the outdoors and true crime stories.
The business set to debut at Stronghold Castle is called "On the Case," a true-crime outdoor experience. After paying online, Maya sends you the location and clue to the first case file.
"The first one, Stronghold, it's a beautiful castle. You can walk for miles and just get lost in the beauty of nature," said Key. "Once you find it there is a laminated QR code. You just take your phone camera out and you place it up to it, and it will say you can open the link. You press that link and it brings you straight to the document."
The next case file will send you into downtown Oregon. Once you made it through all six case files, you'll then be able to make your guess on who you think the killer is.
Book your murder mystery game right now. A single player for "On the Case" is $10 and a group of players is $5 each. Click here to get started.
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Steve Shannon is host of The Steve Shannon Show on 97ZOK. On the air weekday mornings from 6 to 10 a.m. and a special 'Rewind' show, featuring favorite moments from previous shows, on Saturday mornings from 5 to 7 a.m.. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like his page on Facebook.
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