Do Police In Illinois Really Have To Issue A Certain Number Of Citations Each Month?
Have you ever heard people saying that cops in Illinois have to issue a certain number of tickets every month? At some point in my life, I recall hearing, "watch for cops, it's the end of the month." For whatever reason, this popped into my head recently and I wanted to know if this is an actual thing or completely fabricated.
If it's true, is it actually illegal?
Municipalities are allowed to evaluate the performance of officers and one way to do that is through "points of contact."
How do they do it? They review quantifiable interactions made during a police officer's duties, such as traffic stops completed, arrests, written warnings, and crime prevention measures.

In 2015, the bill was proposed with the aim of combating the perception that police officers only issue tickets to meet quotas and generate revenue for their municipalities. It didn't take long for Senate Bill 3411 to be backed and signed by the then-governor.
The law would explicitly ban ticket quotas and stated that all municipalities cannot evaluate police officers based on the number of tickets they issue.
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According to Illinois State Statute 1-1-12, municipalities are not allowed to make police officers issue a specific number of tickets within a certain period. This means that any quota set for police officers is prohibited, a.k.a. against the law.
Can police officers be evaluated based on the number of tickets issued?
Municipalities are also not allowed to evaluate the performance of police officers based on the number of tickets they issue, compared to other officers with similar job duties.
It's important to mention that home-rule municipalities are also banned from establishing rules that contradict state law. This means that no municipality can make its own quota rules.
Are police in Illinois given an end-of-the-month traffic ticket quota?
In short, no-or at least they shouldn't be. It is illegal in Illinois for police officers to be required to meet monthly ticket quotas.
The state law clearly prohibits municipalities from mandating police officers to issue a specific number of tickets within a certain period.