Jimmy Fallon, everyone wants to be his best friend, me included, but I'm pretty sure we would all also like to be as successful as he is.

Lucky us. Jimmy recently shared his seven secrets of success with "Men's Journal." In case you missed that issue, I've got the list here for you.

Jimmy's Tips

  1. Start Young. Ok, so some of us are out of luck here, but, we have little people we can push toward success right? Kids, nieces, nephews, grandchildren. Get them started on whatever you think they'll want to be. This is the hardest thing on Jimmy's list, don't worry, it gets easier.
  2. Show Some Respect. Jimmy made sure to be friendly with Jay Leno before taking his job and moving "The Tonight Show" across the country. Those of us that have watched Jimmy interview Hollywood's biggest stars have seen how respectful he is with everyone that visits him.
  3. Shut Up and Listen. Did I say #1 was the hardest? Well, this is definitely next in line. Jimmy says, "listen more than you speak." I might need to tattoo that on the inside of my arm.
  4. Don't Hold Grudges. I can't really picture Jimmy Fallon angry, but I'm sure it happens. Just not long or strong enough for us to notice. Johnny Carson held quite a grudge against Joan Rivers and banned her from "The Tonight Show" for 18 years, Jimmy lifted that and she visited him right away when he took over.
  5. Try Again. Here's an easy one. Fail? Embarrass Yourself? Just do it again. Jimmy performed in front of Lorne Michaels and blew it, but um, then he tried again. He obviously did pretty well the second time around.
  6. Drink with the Boss. Oh, here is the easiest one on the list! Maybe not get trashed with your boss, or just invite yourself to his house on Friday nights, but you might want to head to happy hour once in a while. For Jimmy it was after every SNL show. He thanked Lorne Michaels each Saturday night and had a drink with him to celebrate the show.
  7. Keep the Competition Close. This sounds kinda negative, but it's Jimmy, so I'm pretty sure this means be friends with your competition. The article references Jimmy fake accepting an Emmy for Steve Colbert and his team saying, "you guys are the best."



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