There could be some multi-cultural, athletic babies popping up in about nine months. Apparently, the Olympic Village is a hot spot if you want to find yourself an easy Valentine. Have you ever heard of the app Tinder? It's a GPS based dating app, that hooks you up with some geographically available singles, and our athletes, well... they are taking advantage of it.

US snowboarder, Jamie Anderson told US Weekly,

“There was a point where I had to be like OK, this is way too distracting…I deleted my account to focus on the Olympics."

Oh, man, Jamie, keep it together until AFTER You win!

So we can go one of two ways with this.

You can pretend you're at the Olympic Village and stare at this guy, Gus Kenworthy, an Olympic skier from Colorado, hanging out with adorable puppies:

Or, you can sign up for Tinder and Valentine's it up right here in Rockford, maybe you'll find your own Olympian-esque man candy.

Get it, man candy, Valentine's Day, candy hearts.

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