When a waitress offers your a bottle of wine for "thirty seven fifty," what do you expect to pay for it?

Joe Lentini sure thought she meant $37.50, when he ordered a bottle of wine at a Bobby Flay restaurant in Atlantic City last week.

So here's what happened. Joe was out to dinner with some co-workers, he was hosting and didn't know much about wine, so he decided to ask the server for her opinion.

She recommended an expensive bottle (duh, so she would get a hefty tip), by pointing to it on the menu. Joe asked how much it was, she said "thirty seven fifty."

Hey lady, "thirty seven fifty" is NOT $3,750, it's $37.50.

When the bill came, Joe was obviously confused. Telling the waitress he did not order such an expensive wine. She said that he did order it and the manager got involved.

This story does not end how I would expect, with the manager siding with the customer, nope, it ends with the manager deciding that Joe must pay $2,200 for the wine, which is what the restaurant paid for it.

What do you think? I mean, he did drink it, should he have to pay the cost of the bottle even though the waitress obviously mislead him?


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