Do you remember Surge? The tasty Mountain Dew-esque drink from the 90s that was popular for a hot minute?

It was discontinued in 2003 but people around the world still seemed to clamor for it.

That's when Coca-Cola, the team behind the original Surge, brought it back late last year only to be sold online at Amazon.

Needless to say, the sale went pretty well. Now you can find Surge on store shelves even in Illinois, but it's not everywhere.

Unfortunately, Surge cannot be found in Rockford. Matter of fact, you'll have to drive to the Epic Deli in Johnsburg to get it.

'Surge' Triumphantly Returns To Illinois Store Shelves...Kinda

If you don't want to go Johnsburg, you can always make take a trip to the Quad Cities where Surge is available at four different locations.

Those locations being Disc Replay in Moline and Games, ETC in Davenport.

'Surge' Triumphantly Returns To Illinois Store Shelves...Kinda

Don't want to drive anywhere? It's has been brought back to Amazon and is being sold exclusively through Amazon Pantry. That will have to do until a store in town starts selling the tasty beverage.

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