When you go swimming in Illinois, you need to understand the dangers in the water. Now, you need to consider the possibility that there are bears swimming in Illinois lakes as a new video share proves.
Yes, I understand that precautions are being taken, but does it also concern you just a little bit that there are reportedly at least 7 Illinois labs in different parts of the state that experiment with deadly pathogens? Where did I put my insulated bubble suit?
Do you doubt that there are more bears in Missouri and Illinois than ever before? Here's more video proof as a black bear was spotted galloping through a field near Carbondale, Illinois recently.
As the historic total solar eclipse in April draws closer, Illinois has issued urgent travel warnings for those who plan to witness the totality of the sun through the southern part of the state.
I have mowed lawns since I was old enough to push one. Spoiler Alert - that's a VERY long time. That's why I was mighty impressed when I learned that one place in Illinois was just ranked as one of the top 20 cities in America for big yards.