This is the one month out of the year when many seek to be frightened. If that's your goal, you should visit the Illinois cemetery and its mausoleum that are considered one of America's scariest destinations.
I've never seen anything quite like this, so I understand why an Illinois man got the scare of his life when he suddenly saw something unexpected in a vault in an Illinois cemetery.
How did this place fade into obscurity? A man found a forgotten cemetery in Greenwood, Illinois that looks like it's been abandoned for 100 years and it contains the graves of some original settlers of the area.
You never know what you might find when you're hiking in the woods of Illinois. A new exploration uncovered what appears to be a forgotten family cemetery hidden somewhere in Illinois near a pond that's been abandoned for at least 120 years.
I don't know if you're the type of person who visits cemeteries often. Some find peace there when visiting family memorials. There's one cemetery in Illinois that features a gorgeous memorial that was constructed by one woman in memory of her sister.