History Channel

Yes, a 12-Foot Bull Shark Really Was Found in an Illinois River
Yes, a 12-Foot Bull Shark Really Was Found in an Illinois River
Yes, a 12-Foot Bull Shark Really Was Found in an Illinois River
When you swim and/or play around a river in Illinois, you know you need to expect the unexpected. But, in this case I would guess that what was really found is something few would never expect. Yes, a 12-foot bull shark really was found in an Illinois river and there are video and pics to prove it.
American Pickers in Roscoe
American Pickers in Roscoe
American Pickers in Roscoe
Mike Wolfe and Franz Fritz, the American Pickers will be filming this summer all around Northern Illinois and their trip includes Roscoe, Illinois. According to the History Channel: American Pickers is looking for leads. They are on the hunt for interesting characters with interesting and unique items...