A Milwaukee man pleaded no contest this week to charges related to a 2023 wedding incident where he allegedly bit off part of another guest’s fingertip.
If you had to list the best things about the state of Wisconsin, I would argue that one characteristic should be among the first things mentioned and that's the fact that the there are a great variety of quality small cities. A new national ranking agrees as 3 have made the top 10 most livable small cities in America.
It's one of the longest and most vital roadways in Wisconsin, but over the years it's gained a reputation not just as one of the most deadly roads in the state but also one of the most deadly in all of America.
One of my favorite experiences I had in 2020 was staying at a really cool Airbnb in Michigan City, IN. Sure Airbnbs are great for a quick overnight stay when you're traveling, but there's a whole different world of Airbnbs you might be missing out on...
Sometime in the future, when this whole COVID-19 thing is behind us, the toilet paper hoarders out there will still have us scratching our collective heads.