There have been face and head injuries reported due to a defective tool sold at two major home improvement stores with locations in Illinois and Wisconsin.
It was only a week or so back that I told you about the recall of 43 tons of meat that had been sold here in Illinois. Before that it was a recall on fish. Before that it was almonds. 2022 has had plenty of recalls, and we've still got almost 3 months left in the year.
Not being the sharpest tool in the shed as a child, when I was younger I thought that the easiest and simplest way to avoid getting Salmonella was to just not eat salmon. Seemed easy enough to my 12 year old brain.
Several years ago, I remember reading that a certain beer company was recalling six-packs of bottles because of worries that pieces of glass were present inside the bottles.
Being a guy, I really didn't have many thoughts or opinions on the topic of hand lotion until I got married. I quickly learned that if my wife Amy were given the option between having no lotion for a month or having no husband hanging around for a month, I would need someplace to stay for about 30 days.
Another day, another product recall. This time, it's for something that you may very well have on the shelves of your pantry at home, and the product recall is for a reason I haven't heard of before.
It does seem strange that a device that is intended to collect water could be a nasty fire hazard, but that's exactly the reason about two million dehumidifiers are being recalled.
Over the past month or so we've seen food product recalls of salads, pet foods, and muffins, all for different reasons. Two had a problem with Salmonella, another involved the potential for listeria. Now comes another recall, and this time it's beef.
Depending on your perspective, it's been quite a week for food product recalls. It's bad for the companies that have had to issue recall notices, but good for those of us who like to eat food without running a big risk of food poisoning.
I feel badly for companies when something in their production process goes awry and they're forced to issue a recall. It's even worse when it's a local company.