A good education sure can cost you especially if you decide to go the private school route. Thanks to a new ranking, you can see the 10 most expensive private schools in Illinois based on their annual tuition.
Some schools in Illinois have been around for an insanely long period of time. Obviously, some have seen better days and been around a lot longer than others. These I found are the absolute oldest in the entire state.
I remember my elementary school years like they were yesterday even though they very much weren't. That's probably because I didn't complete much school after it, but that's a different story for a different day. If you're looking for the best elementary school in Illinois, there are many to choose from.
It's been said the most important educational years of your life are spent in elementary school as that's the foundation of everything. That's why it's quite an honor for the Missouri elementary schools that were just named the 50 best in the state.
Lawmakers in Illinois are debating a Bill that is designed to keep students in schools safe, will they pass it? Here are the details you need to know...
The members of a big-time school board in Illinois voted to get rid of cops in schools, and want a more "holistic" take on safety in their schools... Do you think this is a good idea? Here are the details...
Will schools in Illinois follow the lead of schools in North Carolina and begin removing mirrors from the bathrooms inside of the schools? Why are they removing the mirrors in the first place? Here are the details...
It's very much in fashion to give the state of Illinois a hard time about many different issues. Fair enough. But, if you're gonna throw grief at the Land of Lincoln when it messes something up, it's also only fair to give the state praise when it's deserved. That's the case right now as 6 Illinois high schools were just ranked among the top 50 in America.