Get Festive With These Pop Star's Christmas Sweaters Get Festive With These Pop Star's Christmas Sweaters KiKi, do you love these sweaters?MJMJ
Is It Too Soon To Wear A Christmas Sweater?Is It Too Soon To Wear A Christmas Sweater?Halloween just happened and someone at work decided it was time for this poor decision. What's your opinion?Steve ShannonSteve Shannon
Take the Ugly Holiday Sweater Challenge and Support St. Jude's Take the Ugly Holiday Sweater Challenge and Support St. Jude's A Rockford retailer has launched an ugly holiday sweater challenge to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; you just have to do one thing. Mandy JamesMandy James
Vote Now for Rockford’s Ugliest Christmas SweaterVote Now for Rockford’s Ugliest Christmas SweaterWe asked for you to submit a picture wearing that fabulously designed sweater. From those submissions, these were our favorites, now vote for your favorite.Steve ShannonSteve Shannon