After receiving complaints about gender stereotyping, Target has decided to remove gender labels in most of their children's departments.

The change comes after a social media firestorm that began when a Target guest shared a photo of sign in the toy department that distinguished between "building sets" and "girl's building sets." As a matter of fact, a lot of toy manufacturers are have started to move away from labeling their toys as being specifically for boys or girls.  There's girls who love Legos and Star Wars action figures and there's boys who love Easy Bake Ovens and Barbies and Target is starting to pay attention.

Similar changes will also be made in the bedding departments but clothing, shoes and online signage will remain the same as size and fit are completely different; and the words "boys" and "girls" are often used as a search term on

If you make a trip to your local Target, the changes in the toy department should already be made and a rep for Target says that the changes in the home and entertainment departments should happen in the next few weeks. When you see the changes, if I don't see them before you, please report back.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. I applaud Target for putting the customer first but we as consumers have become way to sensitive to things that have existed in our lives for years.  Just for fun, why don't they switch the "boy" and "girl" signs and see if that reverses the "sexist" toy-purchasing patters of parents.  If your daughter likes Hot Wheels, buy her Hot Wheels. If your son wants a doll, let him have the doll.



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