What if instead of a quick wave to thank other drivers when changing lanes you could use a light up smiley face?

You can, well, almost. MotorMood is looking for backers through their Kickstarter to supply the funds to get the light up smiley face movement going.

The Kickstarter campaign runs through the end of July and they are about $100,000 short right now of their goal.

The team at MotorMood did however put together a pretty snazzy video explaining what the smiley face does.

The long and short of the light up smiley face is to let the person behind you know that you appreciate them letting you in, or giving you a quick honk of the horn so you know it's time to go at a green light.

Here's the serious question, do you think something like this could work in Rockford?

Not sure. I have to merge daily because of the construction at the intersection of route 2 and 20.

I wonder if I would be less enraged at the guy who cuts me off every morning if he only had a light up smiley face in the back of his car?

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