What makes you confident? 

I would answer that with a sunny day, because honestly, don't we all feel better about ourselves when it's nice and warm outside?

I also would say wearing heels. That's a new one for me. I've never worn heels because I'm tall as it is, but with age, I've found a new confidence, so, I've added a few pairs to my closet. The only thing is, I didn't know how to walk in heels, so I had to learn from a You Tube video! Who knew there's an art to walking in heels?

A new survey asked women what made them confident, and here's how they answered:

-Shaved Legs

-Learning a new skill

-Booking a vacation

and a new haircut was on the top of the list.

Here's the rest of the survey here...including what makes a man confident.  I would totally agree with this list though, I mean, if we felt confident everyday, it would be such a better world.

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