We see guides of what TO give during the holidays, but apparently some of us need some help in the what NOT to give category.

I took to our Facebook page to grab some of our listeners worst gifts ever.

Let's learn some lessons together.

annoyed woman
credit- iStock

Poor Jenna... no wonder he's her ex: "Years ago my camera broke on thanksgiving-I cut pictures of cameras out n put all over the house and in my ex's car n lunch box etc (he didn't want to ask) on christmas I opened a box that said don't shake-it was a printing doc that went to my broken camera... /:"

Lesson Learned: Pay Attention to Hints!

Marilize: "Garage sale cheese cutter with the price tag still on it!"

Lesson Learned: The FIRST thing you do with a gift is take the price tag off! Even if it's a cheese grater...also maybe it shouldn't be a cheese grater. Unless you ask for it and leave hints (see above lesson).

And the funniest "worst" gift, from Matthew: "When my Godson, Travis, turned 18 I guilted him into finally buying me a gift after all the years I got him stuff so he came through...with  footie pajama 2 sizes too small that somehow had a combination pattern of dinosaurs & camouflage, which the whole extended family made me wear throughout our annual night of playing Left-Right-Center after Christmas dinner...ugh, the worst, haha!"

No lesson to learn here, this is funny, you should do it. 


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