You’ll Want to Order This Wrapping Paper ASAP!
Halloween is over and that means one thing, it's time to completely forget about Thanksgiving and go Christmas crazy. Or maybe you're like me and Thanksgiving is one of your favorite holidays. Either way, this holiday item is one that everyone can agree that we will want to order as soon as possible.
The holidays are great, but will we ever learn to order everything early to avoid the mad rush that is holiday shopping? Well, you can go ahead and get one Christmas staple out of the way. Not only can you get it out of the way, but you can also instantly OWN Christmas.
Personalized wrapping paper might not sound that exciting... but what if I told you the personalized part was your face all over it? Nothing says Merry Christmas like your face all over someone's present. The wrapping paper is a gift in itself! Here's how it works -
When you log on to the website, you will first choose the gift wrap design to which you want the photo to be added. From there, you will be prompted to upload the photo you want to appear on gift wrap. Be sure it is high enough quality to be featured on a piece of gift wrap. Then, in just a few days, you will be the proud owner of a personalized roll of gift wrap.
To order yours you can click here!