Bill Murray

‘The Jungle Book’ Debuts New Clips That Will Make You Hungry and Sad
‘The Jungle Book’ Debuts New Clips That Will Make You Hungry and Sad
‘The Jungle Book’ Debuts New Clips That Will Make You Hungry and Sad
Disney has released two new clips from The Jungle Book — one that will make you laugh as you reach for a snack, and another that will make you feel…some things. Let’s just get the emotional part of this out of the way up front so we can end on a more positive note, okay? Unless you feel particularly emotional about food, and in that case, feel free to reverse your viewing order.
'Groundhog Day' Marathon
'Groundhog Day' Marathon
'Groundhog Day' Marathon
In the comedy classic Groundhog Day, Bill Murray’s curmudgeonly newscaster Phil Connors starts to lose his mind after repeatedly living the exact same February 2 over and over again. For the low price of ten pounds (approximately $14 in real money), patrons of Liverpool’s Small Cinema can now live Phil’s Groundhog Day experience for real — but not the part where he seduces beautiful women, or becomes a better person, or is Bill Murray. Really just the repetition and its accompanying descent into madness.