Calvin Harris has had quite a week! He released a teaser for his new video with Rihanna, found out Taylor Swift has a new boyfriend and apparently has been un-following everyone on Twitter.

Not everyone, but he did un-follow T.Swizzle and some randos who tweeted about her new love.

My friend Lori sent me this screen shot from her Facebook friend who was notified that he was being blocked by Calvin Harris.

Lori's friend isn't a famous guy or anything, doesn't know Calvin personally, and wasn't even mentioning him in the tweet, yet was still blocked.

Michelle, Townsquare Media

So I tried to get Calvin to block me.

Calvin Harris did not block me. For some reason that bums me out, I wanted to feel cool and be Harris-blocked.

Maybe someone told him it wasn't a good idea? Only time and tweets can tell.

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