We all love Starbucks. What we love even more are baristas who have a hard time spelling our name on the cups. Here are some of the funniest.

The 23 people who picked up Starbucks only to have their name butchered worse than a 2nd grade teacher reading off the classroom list on the first day of school, had to wonder if they grabbed the right order.

Maybe it's the noise. Maybe it's the Ryan Adams playing over head. Something has to be destroying the barista's concentration.

Whatever it is, it's not the simple 'i' or 'y' typo. Some of these mistakes are not even close, but because iPhones, we have these glorious pictures.

Thank you Starbucks baristas, not only do you give us deliciously warm and tasty coffee you also deliver some comedy gold.

There is also a tumblr account dedicated to Starbucks misspellings.

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