E-mail is necessary in just about everyone's life. Being creative with your email signature when sending something from your iPhone is necessary too!Thought Catalog came up with a list of 37 email signatures that are better than the standard "sent from my iPhone."

Here are my 10 favorites (full list here)

1. Sent while talking to a Bob that prefers to be called a “Robert.”

2. Sent from my anniversary edition Trapper Keeper.

3. Sent from a treehouse built for cats, built by cats.

4. Sent from my Christian Slater “Fanporium.”

5. Sent from the beige bra section at Target.

6. Sent from the fetal position.

7. Sent from my tender heart in a blender while I watch it spin ’round into a beautiful oblivion.

8. Sent from my Zombie bunker in northeast Ohio.

9. Sent with the intention of your retention of this extension of hypertext protocol.

10. Sent from my house, where no one is around, and I may take off my hairpiece. If I wanted to. And not that I did. And not that I have a hairpiece or a toupée or a dome rug or anything like that…know what? Never mind what I just typed…just move on to the next email or get back to Pinterest or Ello or whatever the hell it was that you were doing before reading this hopeless abomination of a signature line. Thank you. Good night.

My personal iPhone signature is "Sent from my iPhone...or was it?" I know, clever.

What is your signature? Do you have something creative or do you just leave it as is?

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