Staying up late was always an excuse for not getting things done the next day, but it now seems that night owls are up late because they are getting more done.

I'm glad to see that night owls are getting some credit finally. I am a perpetual night owl. I always have been. Since I was a kid, I wanted to stay up late and sleep in all day if I could.

My parents didn't allow it then so that may explain why I stay up late now.

Trying to figure out why I stay up late, I ran across a story explaining why myself and so many others find things to do into the wee hours of the morning.

According to Inc, there are 11 scientific reasons why night owls get more done.

I identified with the first one on the list:

You find peace and tranquility

After a long day at the radio station and spending time with my wife and kids, the evening is the only real time I'm by myself all day. Since I am so peaceful with everyone asleep, I get some kind of hyper focus and complete a task much faster than I do during the day. Weird right?

There are a few others that popped up on the list that I thought made a lot of sense, like being more creative, and more relaxed.

Both of those are reasons why I stay up later, I get the opportunity to think and relax at the same time.

Other stand-outs on the list had to do with being a stronger person, being a workhorse, and being free as a bird.  For the other five reasons why night owls get more done, see the story here.

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