A ‘She’s All That’ Remake is in the Works
Hack, E, Sack. People, Hack, E Sack!
This could be the very best thing in the world, or maybe it's the absolute worst.
I'm hoping for the best, because She's All That is one of my absolute favorite movies from my childhood.
Despite the fact that it sends some terrible messages to teenagers... you know like it's fun to bet on other people's feelings, and that if the most popular guy in school decides to make you over that you will in fact fall in love and be happy and popular. But even if these dreams are not reality, they still make the movie magical.
That, and Freddie Prinz Jr.'s deep blank stare. What is he thinking behind those eyes? Only Sarah Michelle Geller will ever understand.
We don't know too much about the remake, but we do know that it IS happening, and I am pumped.
"Am I a bet? Am I an effing bet?" Oh baby, I could quote this movie allllllll afternoon. I think I will, sorry guys. While we wait, we can watch scenes from the movie.
She's All That