You can determine if the people around you are psychopaths just by your yawn.

I've heard that yawning is contagious, but I've never heard that it could also determine if you or someone you're with is showing psychopathic traits.  You know how if you see someone yawn, you tend to yawn back, right? Well, those who don't yawn back are apparently the crazies.

According to behavioral scientist, Brian Yundle, people high in psychopathic personality traits often don't "catch" the contagious yawn because they aren't particularly empathetic.  That doesn't make them bad people and of course there are several other factors that determine if someone you're dating or work with has the capability of becoming a serial killer; the yawn test is just a minor determining factor. It could just mean the person you're with is kind of difficult. People with psychopathic traits are much harder to connect with.

With all that said, it's time for you to take the yawn test, before you try it out on your co-workers and significant other, to see if you're a psychopath.

Well? Are you a psychopath?


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