Today is Ash Wednesday which means it is the first of many days I'll be dessert-less. This is rough for me, I'm pretty sure 50% of my body is made from sugar, but for the next 46 days I'll be living without chocolate covered anything. I almost don't even want to talk about it.

I am allowing myself to use my chocolate toothpaste and take gummy vitamins, because you know I need those, but that's it.

So I was thinking, how can I express my love for dessert without eating it...thankfully Katy Perry has been wearing dessert for years, what do you think? Will dressing like a cupcake make me less likely to cave and eat one? I don't think so, but I do know that Easter morning, my brunch might look a little like this:

Wanna experience all of this awesome Katy-ness this fall? Sign up to be part of our Secret Society and we might just send you over to New Orleans to see Katy LIVE, and throw in some cash. Amazing. Check it out, and wish me luck on deserting dessert.

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