Ebola scare in Rockford, Belvidere teachers reach agreement, mistakes made when stressed, why running is beneficial, and revelations from the NPH autobiography

Ebola Scare In Rockford

According to WTVO, Rockford Memorial Hospital went into full Ebola mode after a person complained of Ebola like symptoms. It was a false alarm but was a good test run to see how prepared just in case Ebola would hit the Stateline.

An Agreement Has Been Made In Belvidere

The Belvidere teachers and the School Board came to a tentative agreement last night after negotiating since June. Eyewitness news is reporting that salary and benefits were the main factors holding things back.

The Mistakes We Make When Stressed

Being stressed puts us at risk for making some mistakes. The next time you're stressed out, try not to make rash decisions. Let things calm down, and make the right decision when you're more relaxed. Also, when your're stressed out, try not to vent your frustrations. Stress is a contagious emotion, so all you're really doing is stressing out the person you're talking with.

The Benefits Of Running

You may think that running isn't for you, but maybe knowing the following will change your mind. Running can revamp your social life and promote better performance. Hitting the pavement can also give you a runner's high, which will automatically put you in a good mood and it will help produce antibodies which prevent illness. If you need to be convinced further, here are some other reasons you need to start!

Paul Archuleta, Getty Images
Paul Archuleta, Getty Images

Neil Patrick Harris Releases His Memoir

"Choose Your Own Autobiography" is written in the style of one of those 'choose your own adventure' books.

Some of the book's revelations include:

  • Neil confirming what an A-HOLE "Saved By The Bell" star Dustin Diamond is
  • There's also How Scott Caan once tried to fight him over a girl

Here are 10 more revelations in NPH's autobiography


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