The Internet found its newest LOL meme sensation last week when it was discovered that dozens of grandmas have been accidentally tagging themselves as Grandmaster Flash on Facebook.

For those of you who are familiar with Facebook, you may notice that when you write someone's name down, say a friend, all you have to do is type the first few letters of the name and your friend's suggested tag shows up automatically in a drop down menu.

Well for the women and men who are writing the word "grandma" on Facebook, Grandmaster Flash tends to show up because his Facebook page is a public figure. But some people, in their haste, don't realize that they've tagged Grandmaster Flash and end up accidentally tagging, and leaving, his name in their public comments.

The results have led to hilarious messages, some of which have been compiled on the Tumblr blog titled Love Grampa and Grandmaster Flash.

We went to the 56-year-old hip-hop DJ's Facebook page and sure enough, there are plenty on there. Here are some examples:

Grandmaster Flash

Grandmaster Flash posted to his Facebook page yesterday, Sept. 14, a message to all grandmas and grandpas out there saying he's OK with it!

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