Here’s How to Get Paid to Host Your Labor Day Party
Are you counting down the days till your next long weekend? Well, most likely that long weekend is Labor Day weekend.
One company is giving out some party funds. Hefty, the brand hosting the contest, wants to make sure you have the best Labor Day Party ever.
Elite Daily details -
Only U.S. residents ages 21 and older will be eligible to enter Hefty's Party Cup Payout, according to the Official Rules, but as long as you're eligible, entering is seriously simple. Every day between Wednesday, Aug. 21 and Friday, Aug. 23 at exactly 11 a.m. CT (noon ET), you'll navigate to the contest's web page. There, you will provide your birthday, first and last name, phone number, home address, and email address. Upon clicking "Enter," you will be officially in the running for the prize. Entering right when the contest opens is crucial, however, because there's only a limited number of gift cards — and it's definitely first come, first served.
So get your party funds in place and prepare for an awesome long weekend.
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