Stuck home alone on a Friday night? Go out anyway.

Everybody's doing it - making plans for the weekend; but you, not so much. All of your friends are married, have kids or prior commitments; leaving you to fend for yourself. It's just you, the couch and your BFF - Netflix. And guess what, there's nothing wrong with that.

If you find yourself in the above scenario this weekend, I want to challenge you to try going out by yourself- whether it's to go see a movie, have dinner or just grab a drink.You might be surprised to find that you might actually like it. At least that's what the experts say.

Researchers found that people really enjoyed going solo. They decided this after surveying people about the pleasure they took going out alone, and studying their reaction to a solo outing; people who thought they'd hate going out solo actually really enjoyed it.

I love going out by myself. It's a great opportunity to do all of the things YOU want to do that maybe your friends or your significant other doesn't. You'll skip that annoying conversation, "what do you wanna do?", "I dunno, what do you wanna do?"; you'll end up doing what you want and on your terms. And spice it up a bit (but be safe and smart about this part). Sometimes when I go out alone I like to pretend that I'm someone else; if someone asks me my name or what I do, I give them a fake name and occupation. Before I landed a job in radio, I used to tell people I was a flight attendant who was on a layover that required an overnight stay. Or follow Sweet Lenny's lead- just tell people you're the owner of the Rockford Aviators - but don't do that unless you're completely out of the Stateline area. Duh.

But don't take my word for it. All I'm saying is that there's a big world out there; don't let being afraid of what people might think, keep you from doing the things you love.



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