Could Wisconsin be the Next Thriving State for Singles?
Singles are thriving in Wisconsin, especially those of a certain age.
You and I both know... Valentine's Day is right around the corner and that means there's a lot of talk about dating, and just as much talk about singles, really.
So where is the best place to be a single?
Well... if you're a senior single who is ready to mingle, turns out Wisconsin is the place to be!
Ok, well, Idaho is the place to be, must be something in the potatoes or something, but Wisconsin is the third best state for senior singles.
According to Seniorly, you might want to move to one of these 15 states if you're looking for love and you're just a little older.
If you're wondering, Illinois is just smack dab in the middle, so you can stay here and try to find love, but if you want a better chance, here's your list.
- Idaho
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Vermont
- Utah
- Washington
- Oregon
- Michigan
- New Hampshire
- Iowa
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Nebraska
- Kansas
So, Hawaii doesn't land on that list, but when you dive deep into how these results came to be, it seems like Hawaii should be on the list!
RELATED: 5 Movies to Watch That Make Being Single Suck Less
Hawaii has the highest life expectancy and it has the most disposable income too... I mean you need some income to go on dates, that's for sure!