Illinois Lawyer Says He Doesn’t Think Johnny Depp Hit Amber Heard
What could go down in history as one of the most talked about celebrity court cases of all time, the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial is supposed to end this week, an Illinois lawyer shares his thoughts on what the outcome will be.
Whether you're glued to your computer streaming the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard defamation trial every minute of every day, or you're just catching the bullet points each night, you've heard about this trial.
It's been going on for six weeks!
Closing arguments are set for this Friday, May 27, and to be completely honest, no one knows exactly what will be said once the jury makes their decision, but we have somewhat of an inside track, a lawyer's perspective of the case, with Attorney Tim Mahoney.
Tim Mahoney is a regular on Good Day Stateline (weeknights at 5:30 and 11pm on FOX39) and last week he was on to talk about the case, what he thinks will happen and why the case is being broadcast.
Tim answered questions that GDS fans sent in to the show, including one quite 'hot topic' question, if Tim thought that Johnny Depp hit Amber Heard.
Tim's answer, no, he didn't think so. Whether that's true or not, we may never know, but it is very interesting to watch the rest of this trial after watching Tim talk about it on Good Day Stateline.
What do you think the outcome will be? Do you think the verdict will impact Johnny Depp's future career?
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