Breaking news, sledding is dangerous. That's why some Midwestern cities in the U.S. have done away with it.

Not sure I understand, but according to the S.F. Gate:

"No one tracks how many cities have banned or limited sledding, but the list grows every year. One of the latest is in Dubuque, Iowa, where the City Council is moving ahead with a plan to ban sledding in all but two of its 50 parks."

Can you believe that? Sledding is banned in all but two of the 50 parks in Dubuque, IA!

Flying down a hill at breakneck speed was a thrill from my childhood I'll never forget, sledding is like skiing or snowboarding.

Any time you decide to go down a hill in a sled you take a chance. It's OK. I've done it, we've all done it.

Sometimes you get hurt, but for the most part, sledders seem to make it out just fine.

For the hundred's of us who make it out without injury, everyone has a story about someone who got hurt messing while sledding, but like I said, you take a chance when you sled.

It appears that some cities across the country want to make sure we don't get hurt.

Cities that have opted for an all out ban of sledding include "Des Moines, Iowa; Montville, New Jersey; Lincoln, Nebraska; and Columbia City, Indiana."

Taking away something as simple as sledding makes me wonder what's next?

While we don't have a ban on snowboarding in Rockford at the moment, do you think Rockford should enforce one?

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