Your Salary has to be How High to be “Rich” in Chicago Illinois?
If you want to stroll Michigan Ave and not have a care in the world about the price tags on the clothes you're buying, how much money do you need to make a year? Here is the answer to that question according to one financial website...

According to the financial website called moneyppl.com, if you live in Chicago and you want to be considered "rich" you have to make a salary of $132,040 a year. I would have sworn that number would have been closer to $200K, on the site they say...
"...the city of Chicago ranks number three among metro areas for gross domestic product, with an annual GDP in excess of $670 billion. Its economy is highly robust and extremely diversified. In fact, Chicago has been rated the “most balanced economy” in the United States due to its unusually high level of economic diversification. The city has also been named the fourth “most important business center” in the world according to the MasterCard Worldwide Centers of Commerce Index."
The site also goes on to mention that the median income in Chicago is $66,020, so to be rich you have to make double the average. Chicago comes in 12th on this ranking ahead of Los Angeles, and Philadelphia but behind cities like San Diego, New York City, and Washington DC, to see the full list for yourself click here!
See Also: You Need to Make How Much to be "Rich" in St. Louis?
I will say that I lived in Chicago for 5 years and I firmly believe that if you lived alone and had affordable rent, no kids, and made $132K a year... you could certainly live like you were rich! But $132K with a mortgage, and kids, doesn't seem enough to be "rich" in the Second City.
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