This is both heartwarming and enraging at the same time. A cleanup crew in Missouri was looking for locations in the St. Louis area this week when they found something awful and unexpected. It was a puppy that someone had thrown away. Fear not though as this is one Missouri puppy tale (or is that tail?) that has a very happy ending.

I will admit that this share from the Missouri Department of Conservation this week took my breath away. It tells the story of what cleanup crews in the St. Louis area discovered.

The hero in this story as they mentioned is Stream Team Coordinator Brian Waldrop who took this little puppy into his own family. While this puppy has now been given a clean bill of health from the vet, there's no word on what his name will be, but boy is he a cutie.

Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Conservation

This is one of those moments where I would love to be Batman, throw on the cape and jump in the Batmobile and find out what loser in the St. Louis area threw away a puppy. Considering there are so many generous rescue groups and shelters in that part of Missouri, surely someone would have gladly given this little pup a home.

Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Conservation

Let's just celebrate the fact that this inhumane act was stopped by goodhearted cleanup workers. Missouri (and the rest of the world) could use a lot more like Brian Waldrop and his crew.

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Gallery Credit: Noah Wittner via YouTube

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