If you want to witness thousands of Santas riding bicycles then I suggest heading to Wisconsin this weekend.

Wisconsin Does Things Their Own Way

Our neighbors to the north like to do things in their own way. I can completely appreciate that. Sometimes that can take them in a unique direction. Even when it comes to the holidays and Christmas. A perfect example is an event coming up this weekend in Milwaukee. It's the annual Santa Cycle Rampage. I can't picture it happening anywhere else but in Wisconsin.

What Is The Annual Santa Cycle Rampage In Milwaukee?

According to onmilwaukee.com,

Billed as the world's largest holiday-themed costume group bicycle ride for charity, the Santa Cycle Rampage returns on Saturday, Dec. 3 for its 18th year in support of the Wisconsin Bike Fed.


This is a Slow Roll-style, police-escorted, looped route, with speeds and spirits that should accommodate most riders of any age and skill level.

Details For The Annual Santa Cycle Rampage

According to wisconsinbikefed.org,

  • This Saturday, December 3rd.
  • Benefits to help make Wisconsin more bike-friendly.
  • Holiday-themed costumes are not required but are encouraged.
  • Kicks off at 9:30 am from Bike Fed headquarters (187 East Becher Street in Milwaukee).
  • Ends at 11:30 am at the same location.
  • The route is a 12-mile loop through the city.
  • Riders are not required to ride the whole course (a 6-mile route is also available).
  • Half-course bicyclists join the ride at 10:15 am (Hollander Grand Cafe on Downer Avenue).
  • The pace is set to accommodate riders of different skill levels.
  • Local police will escort the ride.

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