This time of year can be extremely hectic for parents, between shopping for gifts, hiding said gifts so the kids don't find them, getting the house ready for the in-laws to visit and still doing all the other daily activities that come with parenting, you're bound to slip up somewhere. You just want to make it out of the holiday season alive but that's just not always possible.

Just ask the mom who accidentally sent her 5-year-old son to school in a hilariously inappropriate Christmas sweater. And you might ask yourself, how is that even possible? What kind of mother would even do that to their child? Easy. Have you ever had to shop for an ugly Christmas sweater? It's not entirely fun. You see something festive, it's sort of ugly and you simply pull it off the rack and say "this will work" without even looking at the minor details liking beading and bows and sequins. I'm guessing that's what happened to this mom when she picked out her son's Christmas sweater, except the minor detail she missed was the stitching:

In case you don't see it, mom found out when she picked this cutie up that Santa was up to no good on the sweater.

Her son's teacher pointed out that the garment depicted Old Saint Nick writing the words Merry Christmas on the snow...with his pee.

Why do they even make this sweater in a child's size?

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