In case you were wondering, a lot of people do still name their sons Michael.

But not as many as those who name their sons Noah.

The list of the most popular baby names from 2014 was released over the weekend and now we know that the class of 2032 will probably have Emma and Olivia fighting for Prom Queen, and there's a chance Liam will be Valedictorian, or maybe Mia.

Despite the many lists of weird baby names we've seen pop up online in the last few years, the popular names last year seem to have come from the past, not the future.

When I think of people named Alexander and Abigail, I think of people from maybe the early 1900s?

This could be because I grew up in the land of Lisa, Kelly and Kimmy. You don't see a lot of those names being very popular these days, but maybe in about 10 years they will have a resurgence.

The list comes from the Social Security Administration, did any of them surprise you?

Top 10 Girls’ Names:

1. Emma
2. Olivia
3. Sophia
4. Isabella
5. Ava
6. Mia
7. Emily
8. Abigail
9. Madison
10. Charlotte

Top 10 Boys’ Names:

1. Noah
2. Liam
3. Mason
4. Jacob
5. William
6. Ethan
7. Michael
8. Alexander
9. James
10. Daniel

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