With all of the negative news that seems to come out of, it's kind of nice to see something positive.

However, you need to thumb through a pile of negativity to find the positive.

Like this recent list from Road Snacks featuring the "10 Most Miserable Cities in Illinois."

I've never been to Riverdale but based on the factors Road Snacks used it's the most miserable city in Illinois.

Here's the criteria for "Most Miserable":

  • Percentage of residents with a college degree
  • Average commute times
  • Unemployment rates
  • Cost of living
  • % of married couples
  • % of home owners
  • Poverty rate

However further down the list you'll find the "Happiest Cities in Illinois."

Those are the cities that had the exact opposite of the criteria Road Snacks was looking for.

The most happy city in Illinois is Forsyth. Here's the top 10:

Congrats to Winnebago! I haven't many dealings in my years in Rockford but from the sounds of things they are one happy bunch.

In case you're wondering the next closest city on the list is Cherry Valley at #53. Rockford came it at #366.

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