Netflix Is Testing a Reward System for Young Binge-Watchers
Just like every addiction, Netflix is seeking to make theirs fun for kids. User reports have revealed that the streaming service has begun testing “patches” on certain youth-oriented programming, with an aim to introduce “collectible items for a more interactive experience.”
Per Variety, numerous Netflix subscribers have observed and documented the appearance of a padlock icon over certain titles, which ultimately rewards them with a “patch” for watching episodes of their shows. The patches don’t actually unlock additional content, but rather serve as a documented achievement in line with video game rewards. Here’s what the system looks like:
Netflix acknowledged the experiment in a new statement:
We are testing a new feature on select kids titles that introduces collectible items for a more interactive experience and to expand the storytelling world for the show. We learn by testing and this feature may or may not become part of the Netflix experience.
Some have expressed concern that incentivizing binge-watches from younger viewers would do more harm than good. This isn’t the first time Netflix has been known to encourage binging behavior, as the streaming service has also publicized which of its series earned the fastest binges within twenty-four hours.
Netflix is only testing the feature for now. Have you seen it, or collected any “patches”?
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