It's YOU! And Jesus and Ronald Reagan. More than 2,500 people were asked to name the biggest hero in their life. Take a look at the findings... surprising.

If I summed up what most experienced parents told me before I became one, I'd have to say you'll spend the best years of your life performing a thankless task, to sonly be resented later. While that's NOT how I feel being a parent (at least not all the time), this should lift you a bit.

Overall, 26% of people said mom or dad was their biggest hero. With young people the number was higher, 43%.

videodet, ThinkStock
videodet, ThinkStock

It shouldn't be surprising that the most common answer after parent was a member of the military. Celebrities got the least amount of mentions, 11%, just slightly less that activists and humanitarians.

Of the celebrities mentioned, here's the top ten:

  1. Jesus
  2. Ronald Reagan
  3. Barack Obama
  4. Martin Luther King Jr.
  5. God
  6. Abraham Lincoln
  7. Mother Theresa
  8. Billy Graham
  9. George W. Bush
  10. Pope Francis

You can go HERE to see the rest of this Harris Poll


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