‘Tenet’ Trailer: Christopher Nolan’s Time-Twisting Thriller
We’re now less than two months from July 17. It doesn’t seem like movie theaters will be fully ready to receive massive crowds by then. But maybe Christopher Nolan knows something we don’t. Or maybe time just doesn’t work in his world the way it does in ours. That’s certainly what it looks like in the trailer for Tenet, Nolan’s latest high-concept thriller. Exactly what happens in the movie is still not completely clear — there isn’t even a detailed plot synopsis for the movie — but there is enough of it happening onscreen to know that somehow people are moving forward and backwards in time. How and why? Who knows!
Watch the new Tenet trailer now:
While the trailer only says “Coming to Theaters,” the YouTube page for the trailer confirms the movie is “coming to theaters 7.17.20.” (I’m going to assume the trailer doesn’t have a specific date so that it’s evergreen even if the date does change.)
Tenet is one of the few movies left from this summer that hasn’t budged from its original release date. While every major movie between April and late June has either been delayed or gone straight to VOD, Nolan has fought to not only finish the movie on time but be the first movie to greet patrons as they return to movie theaters after mass closures following the rise of the coronavirus. So for now, Tenet opens in theaters on July 17, 2020.
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