No, The ‘Notebook 2′ Is Not Going To Film In DeKalb
Seriously, who thinks this stuff is real?
The much anticipated sequel that will never happen is certainly not filming in DeKalb.
No, Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams will not be in the area next spring when the supposed sequel to The Notebook starts filming.
However, you have got to hand it to the writer of the post. If you read it, it seems very official.
The story on the very fake says "Nicholas Sparks was reportedly approved just last week and Nick Cassavetes is said to have signed on again as director."
The made up story goes on to mention the reason for filming in DeKalb saying "several years after their (Noah and Allie) wedding the couple have moved to DeKalb, Illinois for a period of time before eventually returning to Seabrook."
Don't believe the hype though. Snopes debunked the story saying "A sequel to The Notebook is not currently in the works and no plans have been announced to start filming in Springfield, Tucson, Des Moines, or any other city."
Regardless, do you really want a sequel to "The Notebook?"